High 80s
Minimum Required for Consideration. Admission is by selection.
Target enrollment
Your Classes
What you’ll take:
- ISCI 1A24 Integrated Science I
- 6 units of electives
ISCI 1A24 integrates learning of essential knowledge and skills from the fundamental scientific disciplines (biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, earth science and psychology) in the context of pertinent topics and projects. Interdisciplinary teams of instructors will teach and linkages between discipline areas will be emphasized partly through the study of ‘thematic modules.’ Serves as a prerequisite for most Level II science courses.
Honours Integrated Science (iSci) is a direct–entry program. Students admitted to iSci may pursue a concentration in one of the following areas of study in the Faculty of Science beginning in Level II:
- Biology
- Chemical Biology
- Chemistry
- Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Environmental Sciences
- Mathematics & Statistics
- Medical & Biological Physics Concentration
- Physics
- Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour
- Sustainable Chemistry
For a full list of courses that can be available in this program, please consult the academic calendar.