Student Testimonials

Anand Sergeant
Anand SergeantTo me, Arts & Science is a rare undergraduate program where the central focus is on learning, rather than education as a means to an end. The Arts & Science program allowed me to explore diverse academic interests across the university, it challenged me to think critically, and it opened me up to a community of curious individuals with an incredibly wide range of interests. I am very grateful for the Arts & Science program’s interdisciplinary, inquiry-based approach to learning, and I know I will stay in close touch with my Arts & Science friends and peers.
Anand SergeantView the full Alumni Corner
Saad Syed
Saad SyedThe Arts & Science Program at McMaster surrounded me with professors and staff who made my education truly student-centred. Whether it was a certain topic or contemplation of a certain career, I was able to gain extensive knowledge and tailor my undergraduate experience to explore my interests. By providing this exposure, and coupling it with a focus on communication and critical thinking skills, the program has established a strong foundation for my postgraduate education as an MD/PhD.
Saad Syed View the full Alumni CornerYour Classes
What You’ll Take:
- Practices of Knowledge (ARTSSCI 1A03)
- Contemporary Indigenous Studies (ARTSSCI 1AA3)
- Writing (ARTSSCI 1B03)
- Argumentation (ARTSSCI 1BB3)
- Global Challenges Inquiry (ARTSSCI 1C06)
- Calculus (ARTSSCI 1D06)
Learn more about Arts & Science program requirements.
Since Arts & Science is a direct entry program, students admitted to this program are considered to be specializing in “Arts & Science” from first year to the end of the program.
Students take specifically designed ARTSSCI courses as well as electives. Elective space increases in upper levels of the program, with two electives per term in second year, and three electives per term in the third and fourth years.
Arts & Science can be combined with 32 different subjects from across the University:
- Anthropology
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Molecular Biology & Genetics
- Business
- Chemical Biology
- Chemistry
- Sustainable Chemistry
- Communication Studies
- Computer Science
- Economics
- English and Cultural Studies
- Environment & Society
- Environmental Sciences
- French
- Global Peace and Social Justice
- Greek and Roman Studies
- Health and Society
- History
- iArts (Integrated Arts)
- Indigenous Studies
- Linguistics
- Mathematics
- Media Arts
- Music
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour (PNB)
- Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour (PNB) – Music Cognition Specialization
- Society, Culture & Religion
- Sociology
For a full list of courses that can be available in this program, please consult the academic calendar.